44th International Congress on Medieval Studies

When May 07, 2009 04:00 PM to
May 11, 2009 12:00 PM
Where Kalamazoo, MI
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Session 359, Friday, 3:30pm, Schneider 1360

Late Medieval Franciscan Preaching

Sponsor: Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure Univ., and the International

Medieval Sermon Studies Society

Organizer: Steven J. McMichael, OFM Conv., Univ. of St. Thomas, St. Paul

Presider:  Steven J. McMichael, OFM Conv.

  The “Fasciculus Morum” in the Sermons of Johannes Sintram, OFM

       Kimberly Rivers, Univ. of Wisconsin–Oshkosh

Mendicants in the Hundred Years War

      Jane Marie Pinzino, Univ. of South Florida–Tampa

Fifteenth-Century Franciscan Preachers in Medieval Castile

      Francisco Javier Rojo-Alique, Colegio Cooperativa Espiritu Santo


Session 476, Saturday, 1:30pm, Schneider 1340

Medieval Sermon Studies I: Vernacular and Lay Preaching

Sponsor: International Medieval Sermon Studies Society
Organizer: Ronald J. Stansbury, Roberts Wesleyan College
Presider:  Holly Johnson, Mississippi State Univ. 

Meister Eckhart’s Latin and Vernacular Preaching on “Deus Caritas Est”

     Steven Rozenski, Harvard Univ.

Was Peraldus Preached by Parish Priests? Evidence of Model Sermon Sharing by English Dominicans

     Andrew Reeves, Univ. of Toronto

A Catalan Sermon on Saint James the Greater of Vicent Ferrer

     Alberto Ferreiro, Seattle Pacific Univ.


Session 533, Saturday, 3:30pm, Schneider 1340

Medieval Sermon Studies II: Theological and Priestly Models in Medieval Preaching

Sponsor: International Medieval Sermon Studies Society
Organizer: Ronald J. Stansbury, Roberts Wesleyan College
Presider:  Ronald J. Stansbury 

“You will be called priest of the Lord”: A Model Sermon by Jacques de Vitry

     Tiffany D. Vann Sprecher, Univ. of Minnesota–Twin Cities

The Virtue of a Bishop: Jacobus de Voragine on Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra

     Suzanne J. Hevelone, Boston College

The Body in Praise: Hugh of Saint-Victor’s Explanatio in canticum beatae


     Robert Davis, Harvard Univ.

Synesthesia and Synderesis: Intersensoriality in Meister Eckhart’s Sermon 12

     Jeffrey Cooper, Graduate Theological Union

Session 550, Sunday, 8:30am, Valley II 204


Medieval Sermon Studies III: Heresy, Women, and Islam

Sponsor: International Medieval Sermon Studies Society
Organizer: Ronald J. Stansbury, Roberts Wesleyan College
Presider:  Anne Thayer, Lancaster Theological Seminary

Roberto Caracciolo de Lecce and His Sermon on Muhammad and the Muslims, (ca. 1480)

      Steven J. McMichael, OFM Conv., Univ. of St. Thomas, St. Paul

Against Heresy: A Close Reading of Innocent III’s Sermo XII from Sermones

de tempore

     Travis Stevens, Harvard Univ.

Marriage in Medieval French Sermons and Fabliaux

     Lani Hardage-Vergeer, Independent Scholar 


Saturday, 12:00 noon, Fetzer 1045 

Business Meeting



Kalamazoo program and registration Information