51st International Congress on Medieval Studies

When May 12, 2016 07:00 AM to
May 15, 2016 11:00 AM
Where Kalamazoo, MI
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Meetings and Sessions of the IMSSS at Kalamazoo

Session 378, Bernhard 205, Saturday, 14 May, 10:00 a.m.

Medieval Sermon Studies I: Transmission and Circulation

Sponsor: International Medieval Sermon Studies Society

Organizer: Holly Johnson, Mississippi State Univ.

Presider: Holly J. Grieco, Siena College

“The Past through Tomorrow,” or, The Carolingians’ Trans-Mission for the Future History of the Sermon Collection

Michael T. Martin, Fort Lewis College

Exegetical Traditions and the Artes Praedicandi: A Case Study from a New Manuscript

Daniel J. Nodes, Baylor Univ. 

Saturday, 14 May, 12:00 p.m. Bernhard Faculty Lounge

International Medieval Sermon Studies Society Business Meeting


Session 431, Bernhard 205, Saturday, 14 May, 1:30 p.m.

Medieval Sermon Studies II: Images, Exempla, Rhetoric: What Sermons Reveal 

Sponsor: International Medieval Sermon Studies Society

Organizer: Holly Johnson, Mississippi State Univ.

Presider: Eileen Kearney, St. Xavier Univ.

Marked by the Cross: The Theological Tradition behind Innocent III’s Call for the Crusade at the Fourth Lateran Council

C. Matthew Phillips, Concordia Univ. Nebraska

Violent Men and Malleable Women: Gender and the Conversion of Jews in Sermon Exempla

Jacob Lackner, Univ. of Oklahoma

“Anglice”: Integrating English into Oxford, MS Bodley 649

Helena Halmari, Sam Houston State Univ. 


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